Tom Miller

All posts by Tom Miller
Pond Weeds

How to Control Pond Weeds

Aquatic plants are not necessarily considered a weed or a nuisance to the pond environment. They provide various benefits to the animals in it in several ways.

The Best Solar Pond Pumps In 2021 (Reviews and Buying guide)

After testing 15 options for more than 180 hours, we are convinced that AEO Solar Water Pump Kit is the best option available for most people. From the all solar pond pumps – this oil-free  can make your garden look the most beautiful in the area.

How to drain a pond - 3 easy ways

How to Drain a Pond in Various Ways (3 Easy Methods)

For some people, maintaining a pond may be a task too tedious, so they shy away from keeping one in their yard, but missing out on the various benefits that a lagoon in your garden can bring. The step involved in cleaning a pond that is quite challenging is when you drain it.