When you own a website, you must take care of it correctly. With the smart, nifty SEO checker online tool called WebsiteSeoStats, you can find out all of the details of your site. And, in particular, the components that contribute to the site’s quality, the SEO errors you have, and the things you need to address and correct.
The tool gives you a website score, and you can even download the full report. Furthermore, you can compare it to other sites regarding the details you’re interested in. The SEO checker sorts the checked elements of your website into:
- no action is necessary,
- easy to solve,
- a little tough to solve,
- hard to solve.
In explaining each aspect and the respective screenshots, we took our WoahTech website as an example.
Tags, Descriptions, and Headings
WebsiteSeoStats include checking the search engine optimization. Title Tag should preferably be between 10 and 70 characters long and contain the keywords you deem the most important.
Meta Description is a feature that lets you control the description of your website and how it’s displayed in search results. We can say that this is technically the advertisement of your site. So you should use an attractive approach to maximize your click rate.
Furthermore, Meta Keywords are meta tags in the HTML code that notify search engines of the theme of your site.
It’s advisable to utilize keywords in the headings of your site’s texts and for your H1 title to include the crucial keyword. In the end, keywords are a significant part of your website, ensuring you’re getting all the clicks and visitors you want to reach.
The Keyword Cloud provides particulars about the recurrence of keyword usage within the page. It is critical to examine the keywords used by your target audience. Numerous keyword research tools are available online to help you determine which keywords to use to maximize the number of visitors you attract.
XML Sitemap
The tool also checks whether you have an XML (Extensible Markup Language) Sitemap, which records URLs available for systematical visitation to create an index of data.
We strongly recommend making an XML sitemap for your website and registering it with Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools. Furthermore, search engines can crawl the site more efficiently due to this.
The Robots.txt category checks if you have a robots.txt file, which gives you the option to limit the entry of search engine bots that crawl the web and hinder them from examining specific pages and directories.
This file also specifies the location of the XML sitemap. You can use Google Search Console to look for errors in the file, and you can also test individual pages to ensure that Googlebot has an acceptable way in.
Domain Registration and WHOIS Data
Websiteostats also provide information about the domain you’re currently using on your site, including registration data such as:
- when it was created,
- when it was updated,
- how old it is,
- when the expiration date is
Why is this information required? Because newer domains frequently struggle to get indexed and rank higher in search results in their first few months. But, you can register a domain for up to 10 years.
You also get other information related to your domain, under the tool’s section called “WHOIS Data,” which can be of service when you want to find out the contact information of the page’s administrator, technical contact, and the billing contact, as well.
Indexed Pages
Naturally, you want your website to be discovered by as many bots and search engines as possible, and the Index Pages element of the tool informs you of the number of pages detected on your site.
A lower number of pages discovered means that bots struggle while trying to take notice of your website. Usually because of inadequate internal linking and the site’s architecture, or you’re accidentally preventing search engines and bots from crawling and indexing.
Analyzing the total of backlinks on your site is also helpful because backlinks point to your site from other websites. In other words, they are endorsements from other pages and essential for SEO, so improving their quality and quantity should be at the top of your priority list. Not sure how? You may want to consult a company specializing in SEO Services.
A site that loads slowly can be painfully infuriating for your visitors. Still, with PageSpeed Insights, you can get the data on how exactly your site is doing in terms of speed, rating it, giving you the exact number of seconds (or less) it took to load it, and make sure you know if there’s a need to fix it.
Additionally, there are the PageSpeed Insights for the mobile version of the site, too. You can also check your website’s general compatibility with mobile devices, which will tell you if you have embedded objects (Flash, Silverlight, or Java), which are generally bad for compatibility. This is quite relevant as many people today use smartphones to access sites.
The tool also provides potential solutions for your site’s poor speed. Furthermore, it informs you whether it has too many CSS and JavaScript files or uses nested tables or inline styles.
In terms of social media, the checker provided you with exciting and helpful information about your site’s estimated overall traffic rank and estimated worth in USD based on Alexa rank. Furthermore, it tells you the most popular countries your visitors come from, and in which percentage. It also checks for broken links.
It’s good to know how your website is doing in terms of its SEO score, and with WebSiteoStats, you can do just that. It’s a free, quick, and reliable checker that not only rates your SEO elements but also tells you how easy or hard it is to fix the problem.
But it also gives you valuable tips on making your site better more accessible. With the necessary adjustments here and there, your website can become a joy to your visitors.