How to Prevent a Security Breach in the Workplace

Small businesses experience 43% of the cybersecurity breaches that take place in the United States. Some of these breaches are mild nuisances, while others wreak havoc on your entire infrastructure.

The key is making sure that you ramp up your security efforts in-house by applying the strategies that work. Keep reading to learn more about tips that can handle a security breach in your company at any time.

Hire a Managed Information Technology (IT) Company

Laptop with code screen

The digital landscape is one of the most important areas of business security you have to focus on today. This starts by finding the help of a managed information technology (IT) company that can provide you with services on a regular basis.

In addition to shoring up breaches, managed IT pros will also help you by building a private server, adding layers of encryption, and running frequent scans. Managed IT services are paid for with monthly or annual subscriptions in most cases.

You can visit the list of services that companies like Techromatic provide to make sure that your business’ data and technology are looked after.

Create a Data Protection Plan

Your company security is subject to cybersecurity breaches on any given day. It’s important that you create a detailed data protection plan that discusses some of the following information:

  • A plan of action to follow in the event of a breach
  • Guidelines for prohibited sites and link clicking policies
  • The addition of two-factor authentication and other safeguards
  • Emergency contacts to consult in the event of a breach
  • Protocols for troubleshooting and handling any tech issues

Putting this plan in writing removes any ambiguity and keeps everyone in your workplace on the same page.

Safeguard Your Business Data

Cloud computing map

Take the time to also look after every bit of your data so that it’s protected. Start using a mixture of cloud computing and traditional hardware and software setups. Implement monitoring and access controls so that you always know when a change has been made to any part of your data.

Work with IT pros that can gain access to your desktops remotely so that they can also get to the root of problems, rather than communicating issues back and forth.

Change Your Passwords

Word password

Much of your data security protection can be handled by simply changing your passwords. Too many companies leave this to chance by failing to update passwords in a timely fashion.

Change your passwords every month or so, and always make sure that your password is longer than 8 characters and that it features a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers.

Many people today are using smart passwords that are as many as 25 characters and that don’t contain guessable words or phrases.

Learn to Manage a Security Breach

When you have a security breach, it’s important that you apply the points above. These issues will fortify your company and help to prevent prying eyes from taking advantage of your data. Take the next steps to hire some IT pros that can assist you in protecting your company’s security.

Check out our other articles when you’d like to learn more about cybersecurity, IT service, and several other points of information.
