5 Steps to Help You Share Video Online for Feedback and Approval

In today’s digital age, video content has become an integral part of communication and marketing strategies. Whether you’re a content creator, marketer, or filmmaker, sharing videos online for feedback and approval is crucial for refining your work and ensuring it aligns with your objectives. In this article, we will outline five essential steps to help you effectively share videos online, gather feedback, and obtain approvals from stakeholders.

Choose the Right Platform

Step 1: Choose the Right Platform

The first step in sharing videos online is selecting the right platform for your needs. Several platforms cater specifically to video sharing and collaboration, offering features designed to facilitate feedback and approval processes. Platforms like Vimeo, Wipster, Frame.io, and ReviewStudio are popular choices, providing tools for commenting, version control, and collaborative workflows. Research and select a platform that aligns with your requirements, taking into consideration factors such as cost, ease of use, security, and integrations with other tools.

Step 2: Prepare the Video for Sharing

Before sharing your video, ensure it is properly prepared for the feedback and approval process. This involves finalizing the editing, rendering, and exporting of the video in a format compatible with the chosen platform. Consider factors such as resolution, aspect ratio, file size, and any specific requirements of the platform or stakeholders. Optimize the video for online viewing, striking a balance between quality and file size to ensure smooth playback and efficient sharing.

Step 3: Provide Context and Instructions

When sharing your video online, it is crucial to provide clear context and instructions to the viewers. Explain the purpose of the video, its target audience, and the specific objectives you are trying to achieve. Communicate what aspects of the video you are seeking feedback on, whether it’s the overall concept, visuals, audio, pacing, or specific elements within the video. By providing context and instructions, you guide viewers to focus their feedback on the areas that matter most to you, facilitating more meaningful and constructive comments.

Facilitate Feedback and Collaboration

Step 4: Facilitate Feedback and Collaboration

Once the video is shared, it’s time to invite stakeholders to provide feedback and engage in a collaborative process. Leverage the features offered by the chosen platform to facilitate this feedback loop effectively. Encourage stakeholders to leave comments, annotations, or time-stamped feedback directly on the video itself. This allows for specific and actionable feedback that can be easily understood and addressed. Encourage open communication, discussions, and the sharing of ideas among stakeholders to foster a collaborative environment that encourages diverse perspectives and insights.

Step 5: Manage and Incorporate Feedback

Managing and incorporating feedback is a crucial step in the process of sharing videos online. Review the comments and feedback provided by stakeholders, taking note of common themes, suggestions, and areas of improvement. Prioritize the feedback based on its relevance to your objectives and make informed decisions on which changes to implement. Maintain clear communication with stakeholders, keeping them updated on the progress and changes made in response to their feedback. Iteratively refine the video based on the feedback received, ensuring that it aligns with your vision and meets the desired objectives.

Bonus Tip: Iterate and Seek Approvals

Video production is often an iterative process, and it is common to go through multiple rounds of feedback and revisions. After incorporating feedback and making revisions, share the updated version of the video with stakeholders for further review and approval. Repeat the feedback and revision process as needed until the video receives the necessary approvals and meets the desired standards. Keeping an open and collaborative mindset throughout this process will ensure that you create a final video that is well-refined, aligned with your goals, and resonates with your intended audience.


Sharing videos online for feedback and approval is an essential step in refining and perfecting your video content. By following these five steps – choosing the right platform, preparing the video, providing context and instructions, facilitating feedback and collaboration, and managing and incorporating feedback – you can streamline the process, gather valuable insights, and create videos that resonate with your target audience. Embrace the iterative nature of video production and leverage online collaboration tools to maximize the effectiveness of your feedback and approval process.

Antonia Zivcic
I'm Antonia, a copywriter with over five years of experience in the industry. I find joy in exploring a wide array of topics through my writing. It's my passion to create engaging and compelling content that resonates with readers.